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Each winter brings harsh weather conditions, and you need to be prepared for anything. Not only will you need to begin preparing yourself for the winter, but you need to prepare your home as well. Your home is what keeps you safe and comfortable during even the harshest winter storms. 

If you don’t take good care of your home, then you can’t expect it to protect you to its fullest potential. To ensure your home stays a solid shelter for you and your family, you should conduct a few winter home maintenance tasks. These tasks should be completed in the fall right before winter comes through.

These maintenance tips will keep your house in the best condition possible to help get you through the winter and prepare the house for the market. Continue reading below for our list of winter maintenance tips to complete before selling your house!

Stay Warm and Cozy

When winter arrives, you expect your home to keep you warm and cozy. Buyers will also want their new home to keep them warm during the colder months. To ensure your house is up for the job, you need to inspect your heating system. 

Complete a few preventative maintenance tasks on it, such as servicing your furnace on a regular basis. All furnace and HVAC filters should also be replaced. Turn the heat on and be sure it’s working as it should. 

If it’s not heating properly, have a repair service come out and correct the issue. 

Prepare the Home’s Exterior

The exterior of the home is just as important as the inside, especially when you’re preparing it for the winter. Carefully climb a ladder and with a pair of gloves on, use your hands to remove any debris inside the gutters. Clogged gutters will prevent snow from draining away from the house as necessary after melting. 

If you have trees hanging over the roof, be sure to trim the branches before winter comes. This will prevent more debris from falling into the gutters. Homes with steps leading to the front door should have the steps inspected, ensuring there are no damages that could cause slips or falls when covered with snow. 

You should also bring in all of your outside furniture and appliances to protect them from the snow. 

Patch All Leaks or Gaps

Any leaks or gaps in your windows or door frames will allow warm air to exit and cool air to enter. Aside from letting a draft in, these leaks and gaps will also increase your energy bill by making your furnace work overtime. 

To save your warmth and your energy bill, be sure to patch all leaks and gaps by weatherizing them. Pay close attention to your windows and doors to check for these gaps. If you notice some, you can install weatherstripping, caulking, or replace them to correct the issue. 

You’ll want to do this before winter comes, so check for these issues in the fall at the latest. 

Give Your Chimney a Wash

If you rely on a chimney to keep the home warm during the winter, then you need to give your chimney a good wash. Clean your chimney on a regular basis to ensure it’s working properly. Dirty chimneys or clogged chimneys can not only affect the way they run, but they’re also considered fire hazards.

Call the professionals and have a professional inspection and cleaning done on your chimney. You can then use it with peace of mind. 

Have the Heat On 

To save money, you might feel tempted to turn the heat off when you’re away from the home. This, however, is not a good idea. During the winter, you should have the heat running at all times. 

You don’t want the temperature to drop past 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If temperatures do drop lower, then you risk freezing the pipes. You should also consider installing a form of insulation around any exposed pipes both inside and out. 

This insulation will help keep your pipes warm and prevent them from freezing and bursting. Between 2013 and 2017, chimney fires were the most common type of heating fire. Stop your home from being another statistic by having your chimney cleaned before winter. 

Update Your Electrical System

The electrical system inside a home is another important heating aspect. If the electrical system is faulty, then you could expect issues with your heating system. Bad electrical placement or wires could also be the cause of house fires. 

The electrical system is something that should be inspected and corrected before winter comes. The last thing you want is a house that should be there to keep you warm during the coldest season but fails to because of bad electrical wiring. 

You can schedule to have a professional come in and do a quick inspection of the wiring. Braker wires and the main service panel will be inspected as well. If something isn’t working as it should, you’ll want to fix the issues before winter when you need it the most. 

What Are Your Winter Home Preparedness Plans? 

Do you have a set of your own winter home preparedness plans? Use this guide above to help lead you through each winter home maintenance task to complete. After checking everything off this list, your house is sure to make it through the winter without any trouble and be ready to sell in no time!

Have you completed these steps and are now ready for a complete home inspection?

Click here to schedule an appointment today!