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There’s always more than meets the eye— especially when it comes to your home.

If you’re buying or selling a home, don’t start the process until you know exactly what’s going inside the home. Although a property may look perfect at first, make sure to book a home inspection to learn the truth about the home’s condition.

If you’re booking an inspection, you may be curious as to the common home inspection findings. Although every home is different, some issues tend to occur frequently.

Keep reading to learn some of the most common issues found by home inspectors.

1. Loose Railings

Over time, exterior railings can become loose. This is frequently seen on decks, porches, and terraces.

Nails can start to pop out or joints come undone over time, meaning the railing isn’t as secure as it should be.

Although this is usually an easy fix, it can be a big safety risk if not noticed. Fixing or replacing railings are common repairs needed after home inspection and are something the inspector will look for.

2. Exterior Grading Issues

If water is found in the basement or is pooling up on the lawn, this can be due to grading issues with the home. Water and rain need to drain away from the home so they don’t damage the property.

Although this can be fixed, it’s a problem that you need to be aware of in advance. However, grading problems are things that fail a home inspection, so they are important to know about.

After your inspection, you’ll be given a comprehensive home inspection report. This will go over all the issues found in the home, including any grading problems.

3. Mold

Mold is a common problem seen on home inspections, especially in damp and dark parts of the home. Often, mold or mildew will be present in bathrooms, under kitchen sinks, in basements, or on the deck.

Sometimes it’s hard to notice mold is even there, unless you’re looking for it.

Mold spores can cause serious health problems, so it needs to be professionally removed so that they are gone for good.

If you’ve noticed unexplained coughing, headaches, or sinus problems, let your home inspector know that you’re worried about mold.

4. Ventilation Issues Are Common Home Inspection Findings

Ventilation problems are commonly seen in bathrooms. A proper ventilation unit should vent outside, not into an attic or crawl space. Otherwise, it can possibly cause mold.

A kitchen also needs a proper exhaust hood. They keep the kitchen odor-free and are useful to avoid setting off the fire alarm.

A qualified home inspector will let you know if there are any ventilation problems within the home.

5. Corroded Plumbing

Over time, plumbing can corrode or crack. Pipes are especially prone to freezing in winter, which can cause serious damage if not treated.

If there are any drainage issues with sinks, strange smells, or leaking pipes, this could mean parts of the home’s plumbing system need repair.

A home inspector will check all of the plumbing in the home’s bathroom and kitchen, ensuring it is working properly.

6. Roofing Concerns

What does a home inspector look for? One big thing they will look over is the roof of the home. Roof or tiling damage can be a costly repair, so you need to know in advance if the roof is likely to need any work done.

You should always get a home inspection before buying a new property so you know the full condition of the home, including the roof and exterior, before purchasing.

7. Cracked Gutters

Gutters move water away from the home, keeping it dry. But many homeowners tend to neglect their gutters over time, and they can become clogged with debris or even crack or bend.

Damaged gutters are a common home inspection finding. If the gutters aren’t working properly, heavy rainfall can bring water into the home and basement.

Keep your gutters working properly by cleaning them on a regular basis.

8. Draftiness

Draftiness can be a big problem, especially in older homes. If window seals are cracked or missing, or if windows aren’t’ shutting properly, this will bring cold air and possibly rain into the house.

A drafty home is uncomfortable to live in and will also bump up your heating bills, so be aware of any gaps in doors, windows, or in the garage that could let in cold air.

Windows that don’t open properly, or at all, are also a common inspection finding that will need to be fixed.

9. Cracked Driveway or Walkways

While not as big of a problem as some, cracks in driveways or walkways are often seen on home inspections. A cracked or damaged driveway is unsightly and will also will need replacing eventually.

Dirt and water get into the cracks, and weeds often grow, which isn’t a good look.

A driveway should last about 30 years if maintained well.

10. Faulty Electrical Wiring

Older homes often have fewer electrical outlets than new builds. However, to make up for this, many older homes have had some less than legal wiring done to them over the years, increasing their electrical outlets.

However, dodgy electrical wiring can be extremely dangerous, causing your home to short-circuit or even catch fire.

Whenever problems are found with the home’s wiring, an electrician will need to come in for repairs before the home is safe to live in.

Book Your Home Inspection Today

Are you worried about these common home inspection findings? Many homes, new and old, have problems that are noticed in inspections.

However, many can be fixed easily. Plus, it’s always better to know about potential issues than be living in a home without knowing.

Are you ready to book a home inspection? If so, contact our expert team today to schedule an inspection.

We offer thorough inspections in the Northeast Ohio region, giving you peace of mind before buying or selling a home. Our team looks forward to helping you protect your property.