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Owning a home is something that many families in the United States strive to accomplish. But, it’s essential that you hire a certified home inspector before you wrap up the sale.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about it.

Gain Insight into Problem Areas

One of the greatest benefits that hiring a home inspector can provode is allowing you to gain insight into any problem areas the home might have.

To elaborate, some issues with the property might not be glaringly obvious. There may be damage to the exterior of the home, issues with the function of certain appliances, etc.

But, the average person likely does not know the severity of the problems that they encounter.

A professional inspector, on the other hand, will know exactly how you should prioritize any necessary repairs. For example, cosmetic issues are far less important than problems with the foundation of the home.

If your inspector is not properly certified, though, you won’t be able to trust their input. 

Find Issues You Would Otherwise Miss

As previously mentioned, a reputable inspector would be able to provide you with a breakdown of your home’s issues. But, they also have a trained eye that can detect problems that you would otherwise miss.

For instance, wiring or plumbing complications are something that homeowners are typically unaware of. Certified home inspectors are specifically trained to recognize high-priority issues such as these to ensure that nothing gets overlooked.

Missing an issue that needs immediate attention could cause severe complications down the road. So, this is an essential factor to keep in mind.

To elaborate, let’s assume that you hire an amateur home inspector who was not able to detect wiring issues within your home. It’s not impossible for an electrical fire to start as a direct result of this undiagnosed problem. 

You’ll Save Money

Interestingly, many people are on the fence about hiring a home inspector due to the money they need to spend on their services.

But, you’ll end up saving money in most scenarios if you choose to hire one. Unfortunately, issues with a house are much like car problems— they tend to get worse over time without any sort of intervention.

You won’t be aware of the issues of your home if you don’t hire an inspector. But, this could also result in a handful of problems continually becoming more serious on their own.

As time goes on, you might find that you are now responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in repairs, an amount exponentially higher than the cost of the original repairs would have been.

So, keep this in mind when determining whether or not you’re willing to budget for a professional home inspection.

What Should I Look For in a Professional?

Unfortunately, hiring the first inspector you encounter is likely to provide you with subpar results. Instead, there are certain attributes that you’ll need to keep an eye out for when looking for your professional.

Listed below are a few of the most important. 


Even the best inspectors are not immune to making mistakes. In the event that they do overlook a certain issue, you could run into serious problems if they are not properly insured.

This will allow you to stay protected against any negative consequences in the event that your inspector’s negligence becomes a factor. Before hiring them, you should also ask how the scenario will play out if their mistake ends up costing you money or time in the future. 

How they answer this question will provide you with enough information to help make your decision.

Sufficient Qualifications

Of course, you should never hire an inspector who does not have the proper qualifications. Above all else, they will need to be licensed and certified.

But, they should also have a sufficient amount of experience in recognizing problems within homes similar to yours. It’s also in your best interest to find an inspector who can easily recognize problems with structural engineering, hazardous materials, etc.

Any inspector that has experience in construction is also a plus since they will have a strong knowledge of building maintenance standards. 

If you’re still unsure, it’s best to ask the inspector a few questions yourself. They should be open-ended, such as ‘what does your training allow you to accomplish?’ or ‘do you feel confident you can find issues that need attention in homes like mine?’

This information will go a long way when determining the right person for your needs.

Sample Reports

To get a better understanding of the results you can expect, it’s highly recommended to ask your potential inspector for sample reports.

In general, you should work with a professional who provides neat, detailed reports on the properties that they work with. If the reports that you receive are messy, disorganized, or fail to elaborate on the issues that were found, it’s best to look for a different professional instead.

As a rule of thumb, a report with more detail is often a better one, so keep this in mind when reviewing them. 

Hiring a Certified Home Inspector Is Essential

So, it’s imperative that you don’t overlook this expense.

From here, you’ll be able to ensure that the certified home inspector they hire is able to find any outstanding issues the property may have. 

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help.