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Whether you’re looking to sell your house now or on down the line, you need to do everything you can to impress potential buyers. But how do you know what projects you should and shouldn’t do?

Luckily, a house inspector knows exactly where the value lies in your home. And there are easy things you can do yourself to increase your home’s value plus win over buyers.

Want to know what projects are house inspector approved? Let’s look at how to increase home value for appraisal when you’re ready to put your house on the market.

Add Energy Efficient Fixtures

Saving on energy bills is appealing to everyone, especially home buyers. Changing out fixtures for energy efficient ones is an easy project you can do that will make your home stand out from the competition.

Switch out light fixtures or lightbulbs with LED versions. Install a ceiling fan to help cut down on cooling costs. Or slash both heating and cooling costs with a programmable thermostat.

If your home already has these features, make sure they’re updated and in good working order. A ceiling fan won’t do you much good if it’s unattractive and wobbly.

Update the Kitchen Appliances

A surefire way of adding value to your home is by updating the kitchen appliances. It’s an easy switch out for you and one that buyers will definitely appreciate.

That’s because seeing old, worn out, or mismatched appliances in a kitchen means extra dollar signs to buyers. They don’t want to pay top dollar for a house then have to turn around and pay to replace the appliances.

Besides, new appliances mean appliances in great working order and likely energy saving. Something that will also look positive during a home inspection.

Keep It Clean

It seems simple enough … because it is! Keeping a clean house is an easy DIY that can increase the value of your home in more ways than one.

First, it simply looks good. Buyers don’t want to spend money on a house that looks worn and run down. Making it sparkle from floor to ceiling can demand a good resale value.

Second, a clean house shows that it has been well taken care of. That can put the mind of both buyers and home inspectors at ease. Which could mean a quick sale for you.

Update the Bathroom

Bathrooms are one of the major rooms that can sell a home. But an outdated one can just as quickly send a buyer on to the next house. Simple updates on your part can have a big impact.

And the good news is, you can do as little or as much as your budget allows. Every little bit will add to the value of your home.

Simple fixes include replacing a leaky faucet with a stylish new one. Paint walls or replace old tile. And change out the outdated vanity for a new one.

If you can go bigger, replace old flooring and plumbing. Install a new shower. And add more storage.

Freshen the Kitchen

Kitchens are the other room in the house that can be a game changer to buyers and home inspectors. And luckily, just like the bathroom, you can do as much or as little as your budget allows. It’s all in how you do it.

Replace a worn-out sink. Get new countertops. And paint or replace the kitchen cabinets.

Simple fixes such as new cabinet hardware and new lighting can also make a big difference. Or improve the ventilation with a new vent hood.

New Coat of Paint

It’s hard to believe that something as simple as a can of paint and a brush can increase your home’s value. But that’s what makes it an easy (and cheap!) DIY project.

Give your home’s interior a fresh look with a new color. It will give it a clean appearance and update the entire look of the house. Plus, it will show buyers and home inspectors that you take care of your home.

And if you want to appeal to buyers further, choose neutral colors when it comes to paint. That way it will work with whatever style the new owners bring into the house.

Repair or Replace Flooring

One of the first things buyers and home inspectors notice when walking into a house is the floors. Worn and dirty floors will get you the attention you’re not looking for.

Flip that in your favor by making a change. Deep clean dirty carpeting. Repair or replace flooring that has been better days.

Wood floors are very popular with buyers today. But if you can’t afford to switch out your carpet for all wood floors, focus on one or two rooms instead, like the living room.

Maintenance and Repairs

Little unfinished projects here and there can add up fast. And what looks little to you may seem like a much bigger problem in the eyes of buyers and home inspectors.

Start a DIY list by walking around your house and writing down everything that needs repairs or replaced. If you’re not sure what to look for, look at a sample home inspection report. Or you may benefit from scheduling a pre-inspection.

Then once you have a completed list, start tackling each item one at a time. Staying on top of those projects will make it easier when it’s time to sell.

Update Your Landscaping

Your home’s front yard is the first thing everyone sees. Make sure it gives the right impression by updating the landscaping curb appeal.

Trim down overgrown shrubs. Clean up the garden and plant new, colorful flowers. And if your budget allows, install all new sod.

Also, removing any tree branches that are too close to your house not only looks good to buyers, but home inspectors will also appreciate it as well. That’s because those branches could damage your home in a storm, or the leaves can clog gutter systems causing more problems.

Know How to Increase Home Value for Appraisal and Earn Top Dollar

House inspectors know where the value lies in your home. And with these house inspector-approved improvements, you now know how to increase home value for appraisal and bring in every penny you deserve.

Need to schedule a pre-inspection to get your home buyer ready? If so, contact Class Home Inspection today!