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Planning on hiring a home inspector? Torn between choosing a licensed home inspector and an unlicensed home inspector?

Well, let’s just that even though the difference does exist, it doesn’t mean that it defines another to be better than the other. In any case, it’s better to understand the difference in-depth.

So in this article, let’s take a look a home inspection licensing, and why it might not matter.

Keep reading to learn more.

On Unlicensed Home Inspectors

Now, one might jump straight to conclusions that unlicensed home inspectors provide sub-par results during their reports, and even though there is some truth to that. We still have to consider the actual semantics behind the entire principle of licensure. 

If your home inspector has a certification from a trade association but lacks an inspector license, the association provides you with the assurance that the inspector has undergone some sort of training, has the experience, and completed an exam. But even then, there is no guarantee.

Considering that most inspections are referenced by a realtor, one would think that’s it a good idea to ask them about hiring a proper individual for the job. But if on average, a realtor sells about three homes a year, and there’s only so many realtors. What happens to the rest of the houses? One would think that a small percentage of real estate agents are responsible for the bulk of sales. 

Home Inspections Are A Must

On top of that, what does a realtor know about remodeling, repair, construction, so on and so forth? None of those is their specialty, and they not licensed to provide any advice on the home inspection.

The chances of a transaction going into escrow with an agent who lacks experience are quite high. If your agent represents your first-time purchase, you probably possess little experience upon home construction. Couple that with an inexperienced realtor and a home inspector with no license, that just sounds bad. 

That’s the unholy trinity of valuable transaction entities all of which are meandering about without a clue of what is going on. 

Home inspections are a must, and they help reevaluate and negotiate the prices of a property. Without one, you are simply left to your own devices.

In order to avoid common inspection nightmares, you have to learn how to ensure quality work.

Licensure Is Not Required

Each and every state has the right to license or choose not to. Even though real estate is an age-old thing, the industry of home inspection is relatively young.

And even though several states have pushed no desire for inspection regulation, it’s a matter of time before others do. Before home inspections was a thing, a buyer was left to the capacity of their own knowledge about a home, and some would hire a contractor to take a look. 

But many have jumped into unsuspecting mortgages with more hope than assurances. Some of the primary home inspector associations have been originated by a small group of people who realized the potential of providing a helping hand in spotting issues of a home. And since there was no regulation, the associations have come to create their own Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.

As you can see, regulated licensure is something to wish for, but even then, you can still receive a job well done without one.

Why An Unlicensed Inspector Is Just About Fine?

A license doesn’t guarantee good work, and the absence of one does not ensure increased risk.

Even if an inspector is licensed, they might not be insured. A simple look at the BBB or Angie’s List can help you out with this. If an inspector does not have a license, you can ask if they are part of a national association (NAHI) or a state-level one, such as the CREIA. But that’s just something to wish for, even then the membership shows that they might follow Standards of Practice, because if they didn’t – they would be discharged from their membership. 

Licensing is a great boost to a portfolio of an inspector, but don’t worry much about someone not having one. Look out for experience, and references more so than credentials. If a state doesn’t require licensure, don’t stress. 

You can find out by going to the ASHI map and clicking on your state, which will bring up the notion of regulated licensure or not.

Most home inspectors are hard-working people, and they like their job. A home inspection takes time and consideration, it’s not a simple walk around. And if they slack off, it does not benefit them whatsoever. 

Sure, there are some bad apples, but isn’t that the case for any industry? What rings true, however, is that they build their own reputation, and you can easily discover it with a couple of searches and calls.

A Licensed Home Inspector For You

Now that you have finally uncovered why licensure doesn’t change the value of a home inspector, you might not be so stressed out when it comes to choosing the right person for the job. 

But in any case, it’s best to be safe than sorry. And in that case, you’re better off with getting the full package. That being licensure, insured, bonded, trained, experienced, and transparent – all of which can be attained by working with one of our licensed home inspector members.

If you’re interested in getting a quality home inspection done, schedule your first inspection right now by filling out your information.