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Contrary to what most people think, home inspections aren’t just for when you’re buying a new house. Regular inspections are also important for your current home to make sure it’s in great shape. While you can overlook home inspections after you’re already settled in, skipping home inspection when buying a home is a definite no-no.

For a comprehensive and thorough home inspection, you need to get the right home inspector for the job. So apart from finding the perfect home, you should also add hiring a home inspector to your home buyer to-do list.

America has no shortage of house inspectors. A simple Google search will expose you to thousands of home inspectors eager to attend to you. So your only problem is hiring the right home inspector to do your bidding.

In this post, we’ll be looking at a few questions you should ask home inspectors before hiring them. That way, you can tell whether you’re hiring the right person for your home inspection. Keep reading to learn more.

What to Ask Before Hiring a Home Inspector

An inadequate home inspection is just as useless as skipping it completely. You’ll end up spending a bundle on a house that’s worth only a fraction of the price. Plus, you’ll also have to make some costly repairs in the future.

As such, it’s essential to make sure you get the right person for the job. To ensure you settle on the right person for your home inspections, here are some questions you should ask.

1. How Much Experience Do You Have?

You shouldn’t overlook the experience of the home inspector you want to hire. The experience of a house inspector is essentially the number of houses they have inspected before. The more the number, the better they are at house inspections.

That’s because the more houses they inspect, the more opportunities they get to refine their skills. You should tread softly with house inspectors who’ve inspected only a handful of homes. They may be newbies or people who are only part-time home inspectors.

Previous contractor experience is a great bonus for a home inspector to have. Home inspectors don’t, however, need prior contractor experience for good home inspections.

2. Do You Have Any Certifications?

Proper qualification is a hallmark of a great home inspector. So before you sign any papers, ask whether they have any certifications. Look out for an International Code Council (ICC) certification, which is a good indicator that the person in question knows their stuff.

Apart from this certificate, ask for other documents that prove that you’re working with a professional home inspector. One needs an extensive stint in the construction or home repair industry to qualify as a home inspector. Some institutions offer home inspection training too, where students or trainees get a certificate on completion.

So make sure your home inspectors have enough credentials to make them professional home inspectors. Yes, online certificates count, but you shouldn’t put your money on a home inspector with an online certificate.

3. What Do You Inspect?

The next thing to find out is what exactly the home inspector will be inspecting. That way, you can know how thorough the inspection is and if it’s worth your time and money.

Most homeowners don’t know the first thing about home inspections, and it’s totally okay. All you have to know is that your home inspection should be thorough and exhaustive or have a checklist. That means that the home inspector should inspect everything from the roof to the foundation.

You don’t have to be a civil engineer or a contractor to know the trouble spots that a home inspector should inspect. Make sure the home inspector gets the HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems, roof, floors, attic, and the basement, among others. Typically, there are a lot of areas that need an inspection, and the more the areas, the better it is for you.

4. How Long Does the Inspection Take?

You may want to know the duration of the inspection so that you can fit it into your schedule. A thorough inspection typically takes some time, so you might want to keep that in mind when scheduling your inspection.

Most inspections take place during the working week when the seller isn’t around. It would be best if you made adequate time for the inspection to give the home inspector adequate time. You don’t want a rushed inspection that doesn’t cover all aspects of a proper home inspection.

While there’s no ballpark figure to tell you how long an inspection should take, it typically takes a few hours for an average-sized house. For larger homes, it might take half a day to a whole day. You should expect a report from your home inspector after three to four days.

5. Can I See a Sample Report

If you’re a first-time house buyer, it’s hard to know what to expect from a house inspection.  A sample report or a previous report gives you a clear picture of what a home inspection entails.

Most house buyers, especially first-time buyers, expect perfect homes without a flaw. Even the best houses have a few issues, but they’re still safe for occupation and worth your money.

A previous report will show you that you shouldn’t worry if the house has a few problems. You should only worry if it has a heap of problems.

6. What Do You Charge for the Inspection?

When it comes to price, make sure you’re getting a thorough home inspection at a reasonable price. Home inspections typically cost between $300 and $600, but these are ballpark figures. The prices may be less or more depending on the size of the house, the market, and other factors.

Be wary of charges that are too low; don’t be surprised if you get what you pay for. Find a home inspector who charges a reasonable price, not too low and not too high.

The Right Home Inspector Is Crucial for Landing the Perfect Home

Regardless of how good a home looks, it’s never too good for a comprehensive house inspection. After this piece, we hope hiring a home inspector will be a breeze for you.

Don’t be afraid to spend a little money on a good home inspector. It’s way better than denting your bank account for future home repairs.

For exhaustive and comprehensive home inspection, schedule an inspection, and we’ll take care of you.